Friday, February 13, 2009

Kanye on Big Boy's Neighbourhood

Kanye was hosted, some time ago, on Big Boy's Neigbourhood, a popular radio show (frequented by mostly African American folks) and for half the time, the brotha preached about Homosexuality.
Now, I dig Kanye's ish and I am one of those people that believes in reason and everybody being entitled to an opinion (like the First Amendment... i think). Here, Yeezy says the segregation of gay peoples is simmilar to what used to happen to Black folk way back when...
Yeah, that's right. Now, this is one of those controversial subjects, man. I regard this issue the same way I regard the Evolution Theory. The argument supporting Evolution makes sensible sense, yeah? But this is one of those issues that forces me to go against certain principles. Something somewhere within me tells me God made Adam and Adam got together with Eve and they birthed humanity. Even Evolution, for all it's worth, has been well supported, there is a barrier between what I hear and what i believe that will not come down for Evolution in this cse. NO WAY!
This is the same way I look at Homosexuality. Here, Kanye talks about Homophobia (phobia of Homos) and calls it being ignorant. I don't know, but I guess, as with evolution, I believe this just isn't correct, without reason. Dude, the Big Guy up in the clouds engineered ish so that guys and girls could complement each other. It just doesn't seem right that one nigga should 'enter' another nigga from behind- that's just wrong, man.
So, yeah. Everybody has the right to an opinion and I'm voicing mine. I'm getting this feeling we're going to have another Civil Rights Movement (for gay people), an MLK and a Malcolm X (all for gay people) and later on one of them (the MLK) will get himself a Nobel Prize. Maybe not, now, but in the near future.
He also doesn't comment on Chris Brown and Rihanna.

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